Port Townsend, WA

Our home away from home
Our home away from home

It’s November 2015 and we are here in Port Townsend, WA on our fifteenth home exchange. Our home away from home this time is a cosy cottage located in the quiet Uptown neighbourhood which is just a short walk up the hill from downtown….a perfect base to enjoy all that PT has to offer.

Puget Sound with snow-capped Mount Baker in the background

The town is situated on the NE tip of the Olympic peninsula and surrounded on three sides by the waters of Puget Sound with views of the Cascade and Olympic ranges. It’s a stunning location.


The historic downtown area is small (the population of the town is less than 10,000) and very charming. The streets are lined with low-rise stone and brick buildings, interesting small shops and inviting coffee shops and restaurants. It’s a great place to meander.

Victorian home in Uptown
Victorian home in Uptown

Uptown is located on the bluff above downtown (created originally so that the more genteel members of society didn’t have to mix with the riffraff along the waterfront below!). It has it’s own small commercial centre and attractive residential streets where there are numerous beautifully-preserved Victorian buildings, including an impressive post office, an old-fashioned movie theatre, a well-stocked food market which is reputedly the oldest in WA, and many lovely private homes.

The Point Wilson Lighthouse at Fort Worden State Park with Mount Baker in the background

Besides being a great place to walk around, PT is also a bicycle-friendly community. We enjoyed an afternoon cycling the outskirts of town, visiting the magnificent Fort Worden State Park and stopping off at various viewpoints along the way.


Christmas lights at 7 Cedars Casino







As we were here for American Thanksgiving we had hoped to enjoy a traditional turkey dinner without actually cooking one. We saw that the 7 Cedar Casino were advertising a turkey buffet so we jumped in the car and headed out there but despite arriving early (4:30) there was a 3-4 hours wait! We were too hungry for that long a wait so we missed out on the turkey but it wasn’t a completely wasted journey…it was fun to do something completely different (casinos aren’t our usual hangout) and their Christmas light display was spectacular.

Olympic Discovery Trail with Port Angeles in the background

Besides PT, there are many reasons to visit the Olympic Peninsula: other interesting small towns, festivals, wineries, craft breweries, art and craft markets, farms, orchards, hot springs, sand spits, the magnificent Olympic National Park and the long distance Olympic Discovery Trail. On our way home we decided to squeeze in a cycle ride along a section of the trail while waiting for the ferry at Port Angeles….it was another clear day (the fourth in a row which was a bit of a miracle at this time of the year) but cold and very frosty which made it a precarious ride!

One of the definite advantages of living where we do (Victoria, BC) is the accessibility of so many wonderful places to visit. And Port Townsend is definitely one of them. It was named one of the “Top 10 Coolest Small Towns in America” by Budget Travel, FOX News, NBC News and Yahoo Travel. We completely agree!

Home Exchanging


Larry and I are currently on our fourteenth home exchange. Our home-away-from-home this time is a beautiful southwestern style adobe house in a development just outside Santa Fe, New Mexico.

So what got us into this? We have a cat and, as with all cats, she likes to stay put. We have a wonderful cat sitter but, even though she visits twice a day, that still leaves Sadie alone in the house for large chunks of time. This is not ideal as Sadie is a very sociable and gregarious cat that needs attention and affectionate. So we worry about her and would much prefer to have someone living in the house with her.


Which got us thinking….there must be other cat owners in other places facing the same predicament. So in the hope of linking up with them we joined HomeExchange.com and it’s been working brilliantly. Sadie is currently enjoying the visit of our home exchange partners while we are enjoying the company of their cat Kiki here in Santa Fe.

Of course there are many other advantages to home exchanging. Neither of us are very keen on staying in a small and impersonal hotel room….being able to stay in a spacious home is so much nicer. Not to mention the cost. It’s also wonderful to have all the amenities: the basics (like a washer and drier and being able to make a cup of tea or cook a meal whenever we feel like it) as well as the luxuries (like a hot tub and exercise equipment). And there’s nothing like insider information when you visit a new place – home exchangers are great at leaving information about special places to visit or things to do that only a resident would know about. Rather than being a tourist you can live like a local.

There are many kinds of exchanges: simultaneous, non-simultaneous, hospitality, long stay, short stay, primary home, second home. The list of homes includes everything from tiny apartments in the centre of a city to large mansions in the countryside. And there are all types of home exchange partners: single travellers, couples, families, retirees….with and without pets! Sometimes you get to meet your home exchange partners and even develop a new friendship. Other times the only contact is via emails. Besides exchanging homes and pet care, you can also swap cars, bicycles, boats or motorhomes. There are no set rules, part of the process is negotiating so that everyone is happy with the arrangement.

In fact that is the main proviso….to do this you need to be flexible and accommodating. You also need patience and tenacity as it can sometimes take a bit of time and effort to find a partner in a place you want to visit who wants to visit your home town at a time that suits both of you. But for us…and especially our cat…. it’s definitely worth the effort!